Welcome to my site!

My 11822296_1017400574970950_2439794656676088872_nname is Heidi Dale and I am an illustrator.

As well as illustrating I also run my own preschool French teaching company from Exeter, Devon, and it is through this venture that I started illustrating professionally.

I had been illustrating my own character based French teaching resources for a few years when in 2014 through a chance meeting and some good timing I was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to illustrate a new venture for an educational publishing company.

‘Winston the worried whale’, commissioned by Loggerhead Publishing, was published in July 2015 and it has led me to more illustrating projects that you can view through this site.

It is such a joy to be able to work with customers and help bring their characters to life and I hope to work with many more.

I can be contacted by email at bonjourtonton@hotmail.co.uk

I am also on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heidiillustrator?ref=hl

And Twitter: @HeidiDraws